Resources » School Essentials

School Essentials

School Schedules

School Schedules for the 2024-2025 School Year: What time does school start and end each day? 

Listed below are the beginning and ending times for each grade level:  

Kinder, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade Schedule 

Beginning and Ending Times 

Regular Day Schedule 

8:00 a.m. – 2:08 p.m. 

Minimum Day Schedule 

Monday-Wednesday, August 12th-14th, Thursdays beginning August 22nd, Parent Conference Week, and Last Two Days of School

8:00 a.m. – 12:55 p.m. 


4th and 5th Grade Schedule 

Beginning and Ending Times 

Regular Day Schedule 

8:00 a.m. – 2:20 p.m. 

Minimum Day Schedule  

Monday-Wednesday, August 12th-14th, Thursdays beginning August 22nd, Parent Conference Week, and Last Two Days of School


8:00 a.m. – 12:55 p.m. 

Bus Schedule

Arrival & Dismissal 

Parent and Guardian Agreements: How can you help to keep students safe and promote a  

positive drop off and pick up experience? 

To keep everyone safe and provide an organized and effective dismissal, parents are asked to arrive on time and follow a ONE-WAY drive path when picking up their children. If a parent or guardian has multiple students to pick up, please follow the drive path and pick up students from their teachers one grade level at a time. Parents are expected to follow LBPD traffic laws and NOT block traffic or neighboring driveways or direct children to cross through traffic.  Parents are asked to remain in the drive path and patiently proceed forward when it is safe to do so.  Please assist us in keeping your child safe by sharing the dismissal procedures with your child.   


Arrival to School: Where do I drop my child off at the start of the school day? 

Beginning the first week of school, August 12th-16th, students who arrive to school walking or in a vehicle will enter campus through the Main Gate on Coke Ave. Second through Fifth grade students will also enter through the Main Gate labeled “2, 3, 4, and 5”. Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten and First grade students will enter on Coke Ave. at the gates labeled “K and 1”.   


Arrival by Bus: What if my child takes the bus? 

Bus drop-off will take place at the Bus Gate on Allington St. according to the PUSD Transportation Department bus schedule that will be provided in the upcoming days via ParentsSquare and posted on out school website. Once the bus arrives to campus, students will be greeted by staff members, given their teacher class assignment reminder, and given a wristband indicating their bus route.  Students will then proceed to the cafeteria for breakfast.  On the first day of school, each bus rider will be given a Bus Rider Permission Slip. Please read, sign, and return it to your child's teacher.  

All students arriving by bus, vehicle, or on foot will adhere to the following steps when entering campus: 

1. Students will receive information on their teacher class assignment at each entry gate. 

2. Students will enter campus and walk directly to the cafeteria for breakfast (except TK).

3. After breakfast, the staff will direct students to their classroom teacher's room

4. Teachers will escort students to the classroom to begin the instructional day.


Dismissal from School: How do I pick my child up at the end of the school day? 

Students will be dismissed by grade level from different areas of the campus at different times. Please familiarize yourself with the map provided in this mailing and follow all posted school traffic safety requirements. Keep your car running, do not leave your vehicle, and move forward with traffic. 

    • Kindergarten students will be dismissed by their teacher to the parent or guardian. Each kindergarten class will be assigned a color thta corresponds to their pick up gate. Parents will display the class color in the pasanger window of their car. Parents will drive into the North Parking Lot Drive Path, stop at their child's gate, and load their child into their car. Keep to the right to create an exit path. Walking parents will use the North Parking Lot Walk Path to their child's gate. ONLY kindergarten parents may pick up in the North parking Lot Drive Path. Please follow directions of all staff om duty.
    •  First grade students will be dismissed by their teacher to the parent or guardian on Coke Ave. at the First Grade Gate. Look for the signs on the gate and the street marker signs that say, “1”. 
    • Second and Third grade students will be dismissed by their teacher to the parent or guardian on Coke Ave. at the Main Entrance Gate. Look for the signs on the gate and the street marker signs that say “2 and 3”. 
    • Fourth and Fifth grade students will dismiss at the Allington Gate.  Parents may continue the drive path and turn right (South) onto Allington to pick up their Fourth and Fifth grade students.
    • Walking students will dismiss from the same gate as their grade level companions.


Breakfast & Lunch 

Cafeteria and Food Guidelines: What snacks and drinks is my child allowed to bring to school? 

Nutrition plays a large part in students' academic success as well as their overall health. Cafeteria breakfasts and lunches are carefully planned to provide students with the nutrition they need to be successful.  In some cases, parents opt to pack lunches and snacks from home rather than eat the provided meals. There are a few rules that are enforced for outside food: 

  1.  Snacks must be snack sized.  Students may not bring large bags of chips or family-sized cookie trays to school. 
  2. Drinks must be water or real juice.  Students may not bring sugary drinks or soda to school.
  3. Snacks are to be eaten at recess time. Snacks may not be eaten in place of lunch. If a student does not have a proper lunch at lunch time, they will be directed to the cafeteria lunch line to get lunch.
  4. Effective immediately, we will no longer be accepting outside food drop off or deliveries for lunches (i.e., McDonald's, Chick-Fil-A, etc.) We understand that some students may have dietary requirements, and in such cases, arrangements can/should be made with the school cafeteria to accommodate those needs.

 If your child brings a sugary or junk food snack or drink and it is confiscated, a parent or an adult caring for the child may come to the office and pick up the confiscated item.  All items collected will remain available in the office until Friday of each week.  After which, items will be thrown out or donated.   


No Interruption Policy: How do I get information or food to my child during the school day? 

At Collins, we are committed to providing the best possible education for your child. With that in mind, we will not interrupt any classroom for non-emergency reasons (i.e., to deliver books or backpacks, lunch, or relay messages to students)Please be sure your child comes to school each day, prepared. If for any reason, you would like to speak with a teacher, our office staff will deliver your message and the teacher will contact you at their earliest convenience, when they are not with students. You may also contact teachers through Parent Square. We ask that you do not pick up your child early, for non-emergency reasons, and try to schedule appointments after the school day is overWe understand that needs arise, and you may need to pick up your child early, however, the practice of early pick up should be rare.  

Dress Code

Uniform Policy: What is my child required to wear to school each day? 

Paramount Unified School District adheres to a school uniform policy. At Collins School, the uniform is:

    • Navy blue/or khaki colored bottoms: pants, shorts, skorts, skirts, or jumpers or Alternative: Jeans (without rips or tears)
    • White Collared Top or Alternative:light blue collared shirt; navy blue collared shirt; red collared shirt
    • Red Collins Spirit Wear
    • Appropriate closed toe shoes that allow for safety play


 Attendace Policy: Does my child need to come to school on time every day?                          California law requires that students come to school every day and on time (Education Code [EC] Section 48200).  Collins School starts at 8:00 a.m. Students should arrive at school by 7:55 a.m.  Students who arrive after 8:00 a.m. will be noted on the office tardy sign-in. Three late arrivals equate to one absence.  After six absences, parents and students will be referred to the Student Attendance Review Board (Bellflower Courthouse).

Early, non-emergency, pick-ups are also against Educational Code.  Students are to be picked up on time from school and the bus daily. Collins School campus will open at 7:30a.m., each school day, for students who want to enjoy free breakfast in the cafeteria. We want all students to be well rested, on time, at school, well fed, and ready to achieve!

Positive Behavior Plan  

Discipline Policy: What happens if my child does not follow the school expectations? 

We have high expectations for student behavior on our campus. We expect students to behave appropriately in class, on the playground, and coming to and from school. Our goal is to provide students with clear expectations toward positive behavior in and outside of the classroom. Students who do not follow the school expectations will receive a reasonable school consequence.  Parents will be contacted by telephone or paper notice any time their child does not follow the school expectations.  We believe that all our students are capable, caring, and responsible, and we expect their behavior to reflect these characteristics.  

Our COLTS Guideline for Success is: map

School Health Office 

Medication: My child takes medication.  What are the procedures? 

All medication, prescribed by a doctor and taken during the school day, must be checked into and dispensed from the front office.  Students may not carry medication on campus at any time.  Please contact the school S.H.O.T. in the front office for more information.   

Parent Volunteers 

We are excited to welcome parents onto campus!  There are many ways parents help make the school great.  Please consider joining our Parent Teacher Association (PTA).  Our PTA fundraises to sponsor many events on and off campus.  Please contact the front office to inquire about this year’s PTA meetings.   

Parents are also welcomed to join School Site Council (SSC) and/or English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) which are advisory committees that allow parents to provide input on school programs.  

Parents may also volunteer inside of the classroom.  Parent Volunteer Packets may be picked up in the front office.  

Need Support? 

School Support Staff: What supports does the school offer students and their families? 

We have many types of supports for families in need or in crisis.  Support is confidential and is tailored to the needs of the student and their family.  Please contact one of our support staff by calling (562) 602-8008 for more information.   



Support Staff 

Student Counseling 

Student Concerns  

Academic Counseling 

Danielle Ketelsleger, Couns. 

Social Worker  

Outside Agency Connections 

Community Resources  

Foster Youth 

Denise Welsh, DSW 

Behavior Intervention 

Student and Parent Positive Behavior Strategies  

District assigned, BIS 

School Psychologist 

Dr. Danielle Guzman, Psych. 

Attendance/Absence Reporting 

Melissa Avila, Data Tech. 



Textbooks & Library Books 

Brenda Ramirez, TIA 

Stephanie Ayon, Lib. 

Student Medication & Health Concerns 

School Mint Enrollment 

Bus Schedules 

Patricia Castro-Meza, SHOT 

Cafeteria Manager 

Arie Horton 

LAA-English Language Learners 


Academic Intervention 

Autumn Altier, Int. 

Caitlin Carroll,Math Int. 

Other District Services 

PUSD offers a variety of student/parent services.  Any service provider listed above will be able to direct parents to the correct department.   

All support staff listed above